Some times it's good to cut your losses and move on. I've had to learn that sometimes we all make mistakes, even if we tried our best to be careful and think things thoroughly. Life is just too unpredictable, there will always be things we can control and other things we could never control. We are human, I am human and know I have to be more forgiving.
Forgiveness is important, that's another life lesson I'm coming to terms with but that would be another story...
I guess it's a combination of my pride and ego that makes me so determined to keep fighting even if it's clear the fight that isn't worth fighting for. I hate to give up a battle where I feel I had not tried enough. I'll even justify the situation to convince myself that if I work harder I'd win, but perhaps it's the winning notion which is really what I'm after. Even if the prize isn't worth anything, the winning becomes my obsession. Funny how that sounds, I never thought of it that way.
I don't know... but I do know that sometimes everyone reaches a point when they have to admit defeat. We can't always win, no matter how hard we try. Life has a way of throwing wild cards, the best thing to do is sit back and try to play the game fair. Give it all that you can and hope for the best. Most importantly allow room to make errors because nothing in this life is perfect or promising.
I'm starting to re-evaluate my attitude on choices I made and ones I will make. In the end of the day my happiness is all that matters to me and I have to put that first before everything else.