Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I really like the color PINK. I've very much attracted to the color, I wear it often and love to use the color against the contrast of black. What I can I say? I dig pink.

I think I have some idea why. For me pink is a soft color but it's also a very strong color. Strong pink colors like fuchsia are strong vibrant-- like sexy and strong women. Light pink colors like baby pink is delicate, soft and graceful-- like the soft side of little girls.

On a website that talks about gemstones and crystal colors, they say pink is a universal love color.

"The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is
the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink
combines these energies.

"Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth and love, acceptance...The softer shades are very feminine and darker shades will alleviate feelings of friction."

The color of pink is attributed with friendship, emotional love, affection, harmony, compassion, and inner peace-- wow that's pretty. Other key words of pink:happiness,power, courage, purity, kindness, energy, loyalty, tolerance, faithfulness.

Wonderful words for the color pink. I still love fuchsia pink and black together-- I think it's dark and sexy =)